Just as the Sun, the Moon, and Earth align during an eclipse, our Soul, Mind, and Body do the same. The Solar eclipse is a time when the Soul regenerates, the mind meditates, and the body relaxes.

Observing the solar eclipse—with the right tools—is probably a special feeling by itself. However, as noted by millions of people around the globe, there are special and beautiful things that occur on Earth when such an incredible phenomenon is witnessed.

It just makes you feel fulfilled doesn’t it, when you observe a cosmic event like that of August 21st. You can feel the energy flow.

Usually, when we speak about eclipses, we get excited because we want to witness something like that, because it fills us with emotion, joy, and tranquility, almost as if our body unconsciously feels connected to the universe.
“…our soul is contained inside structures referred to as microtubules which in turn are located within our brain cells.”

The term soul (from the Latin anima) refers to an immaterial entity that, according to the assertions and beliefs of different philosophical and religious traditions and perspectives, all living beings have.

The description of the soul’s properties and characteristics varies according to different traditions and perspectives.

Etymologically, the Latin word anima was used to designate the principle by which living beings were endowed with their own motion.

In that original sense, both plants and animals, in general, would be endowed with a soul.
He was an Astrologer and physician.

Born Michel de Nostradame, December 14 or 21, Nostradamus as he is more commonly known, published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. Nostradamus is best known for his book Les Propheties, the first edition of which appeared in 1555 and contained 353 quatrains.
He was an Astrologer and physician.

Born Michel de Nostradame, December 14 or 21, Nostradamus as he is more commonly known, published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. Nostradamus is best known for his book Les Propheties, the first edition of which appeared in 1555 and contained 353 quatrains.
When we talk a bout Pyramids everyone immediately turns their thoughts to Egypt, the Giza plateau and the three pyramids standing tall just outside of Cairo.

However, did you know that there are more than 1000 pyramids in Central America alone? There are 300 Pyramids in China and over 200 Pyramids in Sudan.

Egypt boasts only around 120 Pyramids.

But, no matter where you look, you’ll find pyramids scattered across the globe.
The story behind the Great Pyramid of China is beyond fascinating. For years, the government has not allowed proper studies to be performed on the numerous pyramids near the city of Xi’an.
Excursions that managed to sneak into the area where the pyramids are discovered numerous anomalies like a metallic material which could not be identified by researchers. The Pyramids are believed to be over 8,000 years old.
Are the Pyramid of China among the largest on the planet? According to many, one of the Pyramids –kept a secret for years—in China is so large that the Great Pyramid of Giza seems like a miniature monument.

The story of the Chinese pyramid began at the end of the Second World War when American pilot James Gaussman was about to complete a resupply mission to the forces of the Chinese Army.
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